municipal election themes 2021
Students,families and retired:
Covid restrictions has challenged lives of children,youth,families and adults mentally and financially.
Unemployment and layoffs are stressed for many people and affecting their school going,since many children and and adults did their studies by distance learning long time which has caused also to suspending for their studies.
Many retired also were in the situation they needed to stay at home,without seeing their relatives in long time.
People who are living alone have also stayed without any support from their friends and relatives causing lonelyness during the Covid restrictions.
Situation of low income and homeless people also worsen during Covid restrictions and amount of home alarms increased because of home violence,because people were spending more time in their homes.
Personally i´m worried about this Health,social services and regional government reform,that Finnish government has trying to do (Sote ja maakunta uudistus) since it will take away most of the tax revenue in Espoo and will straightly affect ability to do health care and to take care of security,safety , rescue service and elder care and most of the decision power goes to regional level.
Children and youths bad feeling in their lives and threat of social exclusion has been excisting already before Covid situation,but during that the problem has been increased and come to a head.
That´s why i feel it really important to adduce in my municipal election themes and highlight low threshold services and to intensify them. No one should be left alone in the difficult life situation.
These services are e.g.
- debt conseling and housing services
- emergency services, mental health and health services
- child protection and shelters
School bullying must end, every child has the right to a safe school environment and to study for peace.
Bullying is at its worst mental and physical violence that leaves deep scars on the child both mentally and physically.It must be brought to an end.
Everyday life and safety and security:
Different types of crime have increased in Finland, and police resources are increasingly being used to solve more difficult crimes.
Espoo has many beautiful outdoor and nature areas that should also be taken care of.
Working life and entrepreneurship:
For many, indebtedness and financial distress have come to the forefront when all income streams have been cut off as a crown during restrictions. For this reason, low-threshold debt counseling and other counseling services, as well as financial support for the employment of new employees, should also be directed at entrepreneurs.
As the management of unemployment increasingly shifts to the responsibility of municipalities, it is also necessary to invest in how well jobs and jobseekers meet.
Espoo has many national municipalities with a lot of language skills and know-how that should be better utilized and integrated for use by companies.
Cooperation between universities and vocational training institutions in Espoo should be intensified, so that, for example, internships and final jobs can be used to better employ and make permanent graduates better.
Employment and Economic Development services play an important role in employment and retraining, and it is important to be able to create a framework that allows those who are unemployed to find work according to their interests, and to provide work according to their ability to work.
Immigrants' language skills and integration must also be invested in so that employment can take place in a field of interest to them, and there will be no interveners, but everyone will find their own thing in studies and working life and feel an important part of Finnish society.